Silvery grey foliage creates a striking contrast to the spikes of rose pink flowers. Easy to grow in full sun in most well drained soils. Drought and frost hardy. To 1mx1m.
Silvery grey foliage creates a striking contrast to the spikes of rose pink flowers. Easy to grow in full sun in most well drained soils. Drought and frost hardy. To 1mx1m.
Silvery grey foliage creates a striking contrast to the spikes of rose pink flowers. Easy to grow in full sun in most well drained soils. Drought and frost hardy. To 1mx1m.
use code EUCALYPT20 to get 20% off Eucalypt trees for National Eucalypt Day. Offer valid 11/3/25 to 23/3/25. Excludes seed and postage, not available with any other offer Dismiss