Kniphofia foliosa (Red Hot Poker) Bare Rooted


Out of stock


Strappy leaved clumping perennial. Tall spikes of magnificent orange/yellow flower heads to 150cm. Full sun. Most soils. Very hardy, drought and frost tolerant.

You will receive one bare rooted division with its 125mm pot removed. Foliage will be cut back for postage.


Strappy leaved clumping perennial. Tall spikes of magnificent orange/yellow flower heads to 150cm. Full sun. Most soils. Very hardy, drought and frost tolerant.

You will receive one bare rooted division with its 125mm pot removed. Foliage will be cut back for postage.


Strappy leaved clumping perennial. Tall spikes of magnificent orange/yellow flower heads to 150cm. Full sun. Most soils. Very hardy, drought and frost tolerant.

You will receive one bare rooted division with its 125mm pot removed. Foliage will be cut back for postage.