About Us

About Us

We are Ian and Belinda Trigg and we welcome you to our store, Trigg Plants.

Trigg Plants have been suppliers to the Nursery Industry here in South Australia since 1994 but today our focus is on our retail website. Ian has two degrees in Natural Resource Management, specialising in re-vegetation, so initially we specialised in native plants as Williamstown Native Plant Nursery.

Now we seek to share our love of all plants, especially the rare and unusual, with other plant enthusiasts like yourself. As Ian is often heard to say, if you have more than three plants, you are now a collector, if you have one hundred plants you are now an enthusiast and if you have a thousand or more plants (like him) then you have a very understanding partner.

We are active members of and suppliers to The Society for Growing Australian Plants (Adelaide Region) and the Cactus and Succulent Society of South Australia. Belinda was previously a representative for CASSA to the Festival of Flowers Comittee.

Our store is a work in progress and we have an enormous range of plants we can share (in the thousands) at varying times of the year so please check back with us regularly to see what we have new and exciting to offer.

Please contact Belinda via email if you have any queries or just need some advice, we will get back to you asap. Unfortunately we dont have the ability to take your query by phone at present.

last orders for delivery before Easter close Thursday 10th March Dismiss